Technology Tips and Support

Help Desk

Your child's school is the first stop for help.  Please call between the hours of 7-3 for secondary schools and 8-4 for elementary schools.  You may also e-mail your child's teacher.  
If you need your child's student number, please log into Skyward Family Access to retrieve that information.  
Having problems with Skyward Access? Please contact your child's school for assistance.  


Need books for child to read but cannot visit the library?  Download the Libby app and use your library card to access books from the Citrus County Library System. Follow this link to find out more about how to access books via Libby.  


Access most of your child's digital resources and textbooks in one spot by logging into ClassLink.  The link for the Citrus County ClassLink Portal is here. 
This document can provide assistance with logging into ClassLink. 

Microsoft Office 365 - Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Student's can access Microsoft Office 365 online to use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint from home computers.  This link will take you to directions for student access to Office 365.