Title Il, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction
The purpose of Title II, Part A is to provide grants to State educational agencies and subgrants to local educational agencies to –
- Increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards
- Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals and other school leaders
- Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools
- Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals and other school leaders.
Title I, Part D: Neglected and Delinquent
The Title I, Part D program (also called the Neglected and Delinquent program) is a federally funded program to enable neglected, delinquent, and at-risk students to have the same opportunity as students in other Title I programs.
Title III: Language Instruction for English Learners & Immigrant Students
Title III is a federal entitlement through ESSA that focuses on supplemental services for English Learners (EL) and recently arrived immigrants. The purpose of Title III funding is to provide student support for language acquisition and student achievement.
Title IV Part A, Student Support & Academic Enrichment (SSAE)
The purpose of Student Support and Academic Enrichment is to improve student academic achievement by increasing the capacity of state and local educational agencies in the following areas by:
- providing all students with access to a well-rounded education,
- improving school conditions for student learnings to support safe and healthy students, and
- improving the use of technology in order to advance digital literacy of all students.
Title IX, Part A: Florida McKinney-Vento Program
The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this program, state educational agencies must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth.